Monday, June 17, 2019

Obesity and hormonal imbalance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

fleshiness and hormonal unstableness - Essay Example heredity and age-related changes are among them, but, perhaps, hormonal violations are at the top of this list (Bray &York, 1997).Hormonal failure is the demonstration of the hormonal violations, which are available in an organism and clear be begind by various reasons. Thus, hormonal failure influences not only the state of reproductive system of a woman, but also can cause deterioration of her physical and emotional health. Hormonal failure can be expressed as violation of a menstrual cycle or manifestation of a climacteric syndrome. Violation of hormonal balance can affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth causing serious problems in certain cases Obesity is associated with multiple alterations in the endocrine system, including abnormal circulating blood hormone concentrations, which can be due to changes in the pattern of their secretion and/or metabolism, neutered hormone transport and/or action at the level of tar get tissues. In recent years a great stimulus in some(prenominal) basic and clinical research has, on one hand, produced a great deal of knowledge on the pathophysiology of obesity, and, on the other, led to the discovery of new hormones (Pasquali and Vicennati, 2001, p. 225).Physicians construct studied this question for long and came to the conclusion that fluctuations of level of some hormones in an organism directly influence weight. Hormones are biologically active agents, which participate in many vital processes, including development, growth and metabolism. No matter how an imbalance manifests on the outside, the internal reality remains the sameany and all hormonal imbalance leads to difficulty losing weight and increased risk of obesity. Unfortunately, the most common imbalances cannot be solved by dieting alone. In fact, they can prevent successful make out loss, even when great diet and exercise plans are in place (Turner, 2015). The thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glan ds and other bodies are responsible for their development and

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